Ecole des Mines de Nancy : Academia Stands for Green Deal

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Academia Stands for Green Deal is a collaborative event connecting research and education institutions, businesses and industry from the EU and beyond to work together on solutions for the #GreenTransition

The European Green Deal initiative is a major event in the history of Europe. Humanity should strive to overcome the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation to transform our continent into a climate-neutral, resource-efficient and competitive economy by 2050. All of us, universities, companies, innovation clusters and research centres, should exchange best practices and collaborate to tackle this global challenge together.

Join the Conference to:

  • SHARE scientific knowledge and good Green Deal practices and initiatives.
  • CREATE. Collaborate to generate actionable ideas for real joint projects.
  • COLLABORATE. Put the ideas into practice within sustainable consortiums. 
  • ENGAGE. Join the first European scientific and academic cooperation network dedicated to the Green Deal.
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Ecole des Mines de Nancy

92, Rue Sergent Blandan 54000 NANCY

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